Meet Me in a Pleasant Place: On Time, Ruins, and Ghosts
Sessions meet on select Wednesdays at 5:30pm

Pierre Huyghe, 'Variants', 2021
This reading group will investigate the generative potential of worldbuilding as an artistic and conceptual strategy for re-imagining our relationships with the animate Earth.
We will start by establishing a problem: how a society so intellectually advanced, with so much ‘knowledge’ can treat the Earth so poorly (a question raised by David Abram, and taken up by Isabelle Stengers in Reclaiming Animism). Worldbuilding then emerges as a strategy for engaging with alternative modes of knowing the world–ones that inform both a revision of the ontological position of the human, and a new sense of the web of relations that we exist within.
We will discuss storytelling and escapism as methods for imagining worlds. We will break down the structure of a world according to its fundamental systems + elements (like time), the sites and places that emerge from these structures (like ruins), and finally the beings past and present that inhabit these places (ghosts). We will consider non-western and queer notions of time, the ruin as a site of potential for ecological enlivening, the ontology of the vampire squid, and queer ecology as a practice of relating differently to those around us.
Kimmerer, Robin Wall. "Learning the Grammar of Animacy." Braiding Sweetgrass : Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants. Second hardcover edition, Milkweed Editions, 2020.
Isabelle Stengers, Reclaiming Animism, e-flux Journal, Issue #36, July 2012
LeGuin, Ursula. “ The Carrier Bag Theory of Fiction.” K. Dancing at the Edge of the World : Thoughts on Words, Women, Places, Grove/Atlantic, Incorporated, 1997. ProQuest Ebook Central.
*Book Will Be Provided. or PDF Here
Rao, Venkatesh. “On The Design of Escaped Realities.” Ribbonfarm Constructions in Magical Thinking, Thinkability Series, January 2015
Phillips, Rasheedah. “Black Quantum Futurism.” Journal of Architectural Education 77, no. 1 (2023): 9–19.
Mpofu, Vongai. “Time : An African Cultural Perspective.” African Indigenous Knowledge and the Sciences : Journeys into the Past and Present, 2016
Listen: Chasing Cicadas, Emergence Podcast
Butler, Octavia E., and Gloria Steinem. Parable of the Sower. Seven Stories Press, 1993. Chs 1-3.
*Book will be provided.
Barad, Karen. “No Small Matter: Mushroom Clouds, Ecologies of Nothingness, and Strange Topologies Of Spacetimemattering.” Arts of Living on a Damaged Planet: Ghosts and Monsters of the Anthropocene, edited by Anna Tsing et al., University of Minnesota Press, 2017, pp. 103–20.
*Book will be provided.
Flusser, Vilém, et al. Vampyroteuthis Infernalis : A Treatise : With a Report by the Institut Scientifique de Recherche Paranaturaliste. University of Minnesota Press, 2012.
*Book Will Be Provided.
Listen: Back to Earth - Queer Currents, Future Ecologies
Extra Reading:
Cheng, Ian, "Chapter 1: Worlds and Worlding," Emissaries Guide To Worlding.
Extra Reading:
Schlanger, Zoe. 'Plant Futures.' The Light Eaters. Harper Collins, 2024.
Tolfo, Davide, and Zolin, Nicola. 'How To Create a World #1.' koozArch. 2022